THE SWITCH | Côte Basque
August 24th - August 27th, 2017
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A bucolic aura takes place at |THE SWITCH’s summer residence: SKOYA’s new exhibition presents a series of paintings involved with a sublime atmosphere. On 20th of August 2017, visitors of “Le Jardin des songes” can explore an outdoor installation, evoking an oneiric experience leading beyond rational mind’s constraints.
The set of 11 paintings was started in 2014, emanated from a very passionate momentum in the Artist’s life. Feeling the latent connection with the Romanticism, a tradition’s revival helped SKOYA to embody vivid affections in his works. The resultant series brings elements of Impressionism, Fauvism and Pointillism, with a hidden dialogue between tradition and contemporary art themes. Each composition is raised from a vibrant dotted basis, in which abstraction gains life from the representation of the Artist’s muses – a Baroque heritage. Nevertheless, the exhibition requires an effort that stretches beyond visual enjoyment of classical techniques.
Reveries and illusions also play a role in “Le Jardin des songes”, referencing the romantic belief of adopting dreams as an alternative route to the innermost secrets. With Sigmund Freud’s writings, Artists intensely explored the idea of a subconscious mind as a source of inspiration, forging the depiction of their subjective experiences. SKOYA’s paintings trigger color perceptions, like hypnotic trances. In this ritual of transcendence, his inspirational muses dance, pose, rest, and gently doze. Dreams, to the Artist, represent conduits for unspoken feelings and desires, royal roads to knowledge of the unconscious.
THE SWITCH | Côte Basque
The Switch is an artist-run gallery born with the vocation to present young talents and emerging artists, with a continuous approach towards promoting collaboration across various creative industries. different kind of art. Born through diverse practices. originating from multiple backgrounds, from the intersection of cultures between contemporary art, fashion, music, urban and subcultural conducts.
Côte Basque
Saint-Jean-de-Luz/ Biarritz